Fahim: amateurish literature is out in 100 second film
News / Edition 10 / Fahim: amateurish literature is out in 100 second film

Fahim highlighted the chance this festival provides to find new talents and inspire creativity and said: many artists think festivals are good for amateur directors to experience trial and error, while 100 second films festival with 10 years of experience is looking for innovation.
"The continuance of this festival has founded a new literature in movie making, so the filmmakers would have new experiences and show their innovation to the audience in less than 100 seconds.
The director of "Yellowarch" documentary touched on the belief that the time of short films is a sign of their unprofessionalism and said: I believe making a short movie is a demanding task in that the director must both adhere to the principles of feature films and find a very attractive subject he can make in such a short time.
Fahim said by only holding festivals regularly, we must not fail to pursue our major goals.
"Managers of the festival had better think of new experiences and find new talents. They should value those filmmakers whose works have roots in experimental cinema and can make the audiences think they are watching a unique movie", Fahim added.
The famous journalist emphasized on the significance of bringing historical Iranian and Islamic achievements to light and said: using such festivals as that of 100 second films, we must introduce a new discourse, just like Hollywood and Bollywood. We should chose subjects that concern with our own society so as to solve relevant problems.
The deadline for sending films to the 10th 100 Second Films Festival is January 15, 2016. The applicants can refer the festival's official website (www.100fest.ir) in order to register and get more information.