Gabrloo: social issues bridge the audience and short film maker
News / Edition 10 / Gabrloo: social issues bridge the audience and short film maker

Talking to the center for conferences and festivals of Howzeh Honari, he said the main idea in 100 Second Films Festival is an important property of the art event.
"Nowadays, art is produced on the basis of ideas and any artwork that is shaped like this, would communicate with the audience much better", he added.
Gabrloo said "As technology advances and new means of communication are developed, if filmmakers do not have new ideas, they would lose competition easily. Competitors update their information fast and try to find ideas that are favorite to their audiences."
He puts emphasis on the influence of virtual spaces and said: a short film with good idea, if directed skillfully, is capable of being distributed in social groups and I believe that's the best place to show such movies.
On the issue of focusing upon ideas in 100 Second Films Festival he said "considering the short time available, filmmakers must have a plan and idea to ensure maximum influence."
About the procedure of making a short film he said: Here, the methods and technics are totally different from those of a feature movie. We have to update classical atmosphere. By choosing social topics, filmmakers can establish a more effective communication with the audience. Studying the taste of the audience would be a significant factor.
To young filmmakers, Gabrloo recommended: young filmmakers have to study either traditionally or in a modern fashion in order to update their knowledge and step forward.
About 100 Second Films Festival he said it is one of the most difficult types of festivals to hold since it draws on no previous experience in the country and it is a new things. Movie makers must consider the elements of short film and pay attention to the limited time available in order to produce a good work.
Finally he touched on the positive side of the limited time in short films and said "This feature is an advantage in that short films can be shown in public areas such as trains, airplanes, cultural ceremonies, TV channels, etc.