100 Second Films, A festival beyond formalities
News / Edition 10 / 100 Second Films, A festival beyond formalities

100 Second Films Festival the tenth of which will be held in March, is by no means a new work. Its managers who had set a long-term goal of fostering and globalizing this art, have already accomplished a significant portion of their purpose. Now they should try to prove this festival had deserved the credit it was given through attempts by artists and supports from the managers of Howzeh Honari and other responsible organizations.
Many of those who participate in this festival may think it is an independent art event, yet it′s worth mentioning that the festival is hosted by Howzeh Honari, an organization that honors social values. Higher level of participation each year shows a strong support from young film makers.
Festivals are aimed to foster the purposes of their organizers and supporters. The question is have they been successful after all?
There were festivals that disappeared after five times they took place. Maybe we even can′t remember their names.
What happened that 100 Second Films Festival is going to be held for the 10th time and each time there have been more and more participation?
Perhaps the managers′ determination and perseverance, the presence of an independent secretariat as well as themes which serve values and humane purposes have brought about this credit. These are the necessary factors that other festivals do not pay much attention to.
But holding frequent workshops in different provinces is a distinctive performance of this festival. The critics and specialists in these workshops try to teach short film making and to develop talents.
The secretariat has always tried to facilitate cooperation with foreign festivals and define special categories for 100 second movies.
100 Second Films Festival has tried to introduce a new language in the system of the festivals in our country.
In an era when such art events are restricted to making announcements, designing schedules, declaring the winners and exhibiting a concluding gallery, organization of such events and 100 Second Films Festival, shows the organizers′ resolve and perseverance.