People have a taste for Melodrama short films
News / Edition 10 / People have a taste for Melodrama short films

He declared that short films like movies or documentaries, don’t have enough spaces for being displayed, though, festivals have good capability for the exchange of supply and demand among the short films fans and audiences.
The attendance of filmmakers in festivals can be useful, because they can find out and eliminate their mistakes and in corporation with other filmmakers, said Tohidi .
He appreciated the approach of national media for increasing the public audience to cinema ,and said that the experiment of displaying short films via national media, has proved that by increasing the broadcast programming and displaying of movies, the number of audiences will increase.
He continued that the belief which short films are only specified to certain people is wrong, and we can attract the public audience by paying more attention at structure and the discussion related.
The author of movie SHAHR-E MOOSHHA 2 (mousses town 2), believes that the timeframe of International film festival 100 , is a good opportunity for displaying in public places . He said that one of the significant aspect, in proper using of urban advertising and public transport, is to pay attention to its minimum time. So in this way, if the film festival 100 has accompanied by the support of municipality , it will be more successful.
At the end he added that I have attend all the festivals from the beginning and I can say, without exaggeration that film festival 100 could find an independent statue in the cinema industry.
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