Redlines fade in 100 second films
News / Edition 10 / Redlines fade in 100 second films

Javad Toosi (movie critic) //: If we consider creativity as part of the nature of arts, this part is more crucial in short films. A short film maker must tell the story in a limited time, as if the Persian poet of the 12th century, Nezami Ganjavi, always reminds the director that "speak briefly and observe brevity like pearl…"
The shorter the movie is, the more crucial the observation of brevity will be. A movie maker has to finish the story of the film in the pre-determined time. The removal of unnecessary parts and creating balance among between form and content is absolutely necessary.
A short film maker can cover the subjects that are often considered as red lines in long features. On the other hand, we should note that short films require understanding the audience and we should not forget about the attractiveness factor in this genre as well as intuition and experience. Therefore, the problem of decoupage, using camera, rhythm and montage must not result in too much abstraction and unattractiveness. A smart and up-to-date director who experiences this medium, must not limit himself / herself to a personal and abstract performance. The nature and language of cinema is so dignified that it should not be only a device to satisfy the filmmaker. A young filmmaker who wants to build himself an identity, develops his / her insight paying attention to their society, without being attracted to the formalistic elements of non-native societies.
During such experiences, one can keep away from self-centeredness. We can rely on a worldview that prevents us from clichés and overused ideas that result in tension, nihilism and sheer amusement, which in turn, lets this old contemporary naturalism convert into an active idealistic sense.
A serious rational filmmaker who has such a worldview can communicate with the audience in only 100 seconds. They can work on insufficiencies of their society with brevity and art. From the idealistic viewpoint of such a filmmaker, the society can go beyond its problems and crises and approach glory, justice and unity.
Cinema and picture can unveil phenomena in an absolutely effective manner. In 100 seconds you can reveal your ideas. The result of your work has its root in yourself, in your honesty and the way you look at society. It shows whether your movie is stemmed from commitment and honesty or comes from pretense and hatred.
If you honor these 100 seconds, you will begin a lovely production of light and pictures, or else, you'll be a loser.