Javad Ezzati: 100 second film helps train professional directors
News / Edition 10 / Javad Ezzati: 100 second film helps train professional directors

Mohammad Javad Ezzati told the Center for Conferences and Festivals in Howzeh Honari that good and bad directors are found in both short films and long features. "That some people say poor direction is something only found in short films is totally incorrect, since we have seen several feature movies of little worth" he said.
He added: of course making short films functions as a bridge to the direction of feature films and as a place for trials and errors, so there are beginner directors in short films industry. Still we cannot look down on this cinema.
The actor of Angels Come Together said a growth in short film festivals have helped finding new talents among young artists. "Such festivals have been of assistance to the growth of our short films industry and a growth in festivals would help attract more audiences.
The actor of Gold and Copper said: 100 Second Films Festival has acquired a high status by its continuity and by employing professional executives and jury members.
"If we take a look back into the history of this festival, we will find names that are considered to be professional filmmaker nowadays. So the festival plays an important role in training" he said.
On the importance of consistent policies he said: the organization of a festival must be established in a way that no problem occurs when a manager is changed. This rarely happens in Iran. In addition, managers must not reduce the value of prizes in order to balance their budget, otherwise artists cannot be supported.
It′s worth mentioning that Mohammad Javad Ezzati won the first prize for best acting in the 9th 100 Films Festival where he played in the movie Angels Come Together.