Page 212 - The book of 9th International 100 Second Films Festival
P. 212
 BA. Communication from Comprehensive University,graduated in Geraphic major. Graduated in flmmaking training from the center of teaching flmmaking of Ministry of culture and guidance, offcial coach in photography feld and flming from the center of Technical and Vocational training. Executive and producer of more than 50 short-flms and Half-length movies  Festivals: Attending in several zone and national short-flm festivals and Scriptwring. Attending in race section of Greece Film Festival by Shadow and tree. Attending in race section of Baku Film Festival by Flight. Winning the prize of the best flm from juries of Baku Start Film Festival with The land was forgotten by time. Attending in the race section of italy flm festival (cinemadamare)by i phone  Executive: Chief of cinema unit of artistic center of Tehran. Chief of cinema unit of Artistic Center of Karaj. Founder and secretary of 3 courses of 100 International Film Festival. Permanent member of forum of cinema critics of house of cinema. Member of writing staff of cinema,s magazines, Cinema video , Film & cinema , Soore &… The secretary of International section of 100 flm Festival(courses 6-7-8) Member of juries of several zone and national flm festivals.  Workshop: Holding training workshops in these countries: Turkey: izmir , Istanbul Azerbaijan: Baku Tajikistan : doshanbe Syria: Damascus Belarus: Minsk Algeria.oran = 9th International 245 100 Film Festival
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